Project Administrivia
Next Release
Yours truly will be on vacation for the second half of this month, so the next release will be in late July.
RHEL-4 Packages
The build issues for RHEL-4 have finally been sorted out and binary packages are one again available from the build service.
NEW! “Real” Debian Packages
By happy co-incidence, courtesy of Martin Loschwitz from LINBIT, the 1.0.4 release sees the arrival of a fully functional, “official”, repository from which to obtain Pacemaker.
Martin’s work replaces the sort-of-worked-sort-of-didnt packages from the openSUSE build service which have now been disabled.
Too install packages for Lenny or Sid (Etch should be available “soon”) see the following instructions:
- Add one of the following lines to
` deb lenny main deb sid main ` - Retrieve the package metadata with:
apt-get update
- Install either the OpenAIS or Heartbeat version:
apt-get install pacemaker-openais
apt-get install pacemaker-heartbeat
Changes of note
- High: ais: bnc#488291 - don’t rely on byte endianness on ptr cast
- High: Tools: bnc#507255 - crm: import properly rsc/op_defaults
- High: Tools: lf#2114 - crm: add support for operation instance attributes
- High: ais: Bug lf#2126 - Messages replies cannot be routed to transient clients
- High: attrd: Support the value++ and value+=… syntax required for failcounts
- High: cib: Fix huge memory leak affecting heartbeat-based clusters
- High: Core: Generate the help text directly from a tool options struct
- High: crmd: Bug lf#2120 - All transient node attribute updates need to go via attrd
- High: crmd: Fix another large memory leak affecting Heartbeat based clusters
- High: PE: Bug bnc#495687 - Filesystem is not notified of successful STONITH under some conditions
- High: PE: Make running a cluster with STONITH enabled but no STONITH resources an error and provide details on resolutions
- High: PE: Prevent use-of-NULL when using resource ordering sets
- High: Tools: attrd - Prevent race condition resulting in the cluster forgetting node’s wish to shut down
- High: Tools: crm_mon - Fix smtp notifications
- High: Tools: crm_resource - Repair the ability to query meta attributes
- Medium: Core: Include supported stacks in version information
- Medium: Tools: Include current stack in crm_mon output
- Medium: PE: Correctly log the actions for resources that are being recovered
- Medium: PE: Correctly log the occurance of promotion events